When I Use My Strength…

Marsha Moment Message: There are times when I am AFRAID and have the audacity to question the path that I have been placed on without my permission. Then I remember that there were many before me and there will be many after me who will fight the good fight to ENHANCE the well-being of others. I’ve just begun and remain committed to continuing to carry my VISION forward. I ask that YOU please stick with ME – because TOGETHER WE CAN TOUCH HEARTS AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THIS WORLD. Being AFRAID is a natural human emotion but it truly has no place in My Life. This I KNOW!! Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

#mrbinspires #hugs #hugsmindset #dontbeafraid#vision #marsharbonner #marshabonner #onward#hugsmovmentcampaign