The Best Teachers…

Marsha Moment Message: As I go about the business of Keeping an Open Mind and Engaging with Individuals from All Over the World; I continually run across folks who want to TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO – Over and Over Again. Do I Appreciate their Input into How I Should Live My Life? YES, No Doubt. However, what I have come to UNDERSTAND is that it is Best for Me to EXPERIENCE LIFE AS IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR ME by the God that I HONOR while Understanding and Appreciating that Others are an Integral Part of the Universal Equation and their Input Counts. (RESPECT) I ENCOURAGE You to GET AND STAY ON YOUR PATH and FAITHFULLY FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, HOPES AND ASPIRATIONS – to the Best of Your Ability. Never, Ever Minimize What YOU SEE FOR YOURSELF while at the Same Time EMBRACING the LOVE, ENCOURAGEMENT and SUPPORT of OTHERS Along the Way. It’s All About BALANCE, BABY (in my humble opinion – smile). Come On Now…GO AFTER WHAT YOU SEE FOR YOU…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marsharbonner #hugs#hugsmindset #hugsmovement#hugsmovementcampaign #whatyouseeforyou#itsallaboutbalancebaby