Play Your Hand…

Marsha Moment Message: Too many times over the course of this Incredible Journey called LIFE, I truly felt like I had been given a “Bad Hand”; however, what I have come to understand – is the “HAND” that I’ve been dealt – was a WINING HAND FROM THE MOMENT I WAS BORN. It included GOD/HIGHER POWER/SOMETHING GREATER THAN ME, LOVE, HUMILITY, HOPE, FAITH, RESPECT, INTEGRITY, PERSEVERANCE, COMPASSION and MANY OTHER SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES and ATTRIBUTES that truly helped to shape the Woman who is today called “MARSHAHUGS”. Yeah, Money, Property and Prestige is what I was aiming for when I Got the “Bad Hand” I was dealt. Little did I know, MY PERCEPTION and AIM WAS OFF the TRUE MARK that had been designed specifically for ME and the HAND I GOT WAS PERFECT for the LIFE I WOULD LEAD and the REWARDS that would come with it; which includes a sincere desire to be of Service to Others. (smile). Yes, I’m Truly Blessed!! I ENCOURAGE YOU TO TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT THE CARDS YOU’VE BEEN DEALT and AIM JUST A LITTLE HIGHER. Come On Now…We’ve Got The Game of Life to Play…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

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