Old Ways…

Marsha Moment Message: OK, YES – I am in the middle of getting my arms around “DOORS.” What the Heck is Marsha talking about?? Well, My Spiritual Advisor, for over 25 years, laces her conversations with me around the “DOORS” metaphor. And, I DIDN’T Get It – Today I DO!! Stick With Me for a Minute – I NEED TO SHARE (smile). Here goes: I have gone through the SAME DOORS IN TWO AREAS OF MY LIFE – OVER and OVER AGAIN FOR YEARS – concerning My Intimate Relationships and Financial Manageability. As of Today – LESSONS LEARNED and I am FREE from doing the same thing and expecting different results in those TWO AREAS OF MY LIFE!! Bottomline: THOSE DOORS ARE NOW CLOSED and I am Now PREPARED to GO THROUGH NEW DOORS, with FAITH leading the way, that are DESIGNED to ENHANCE MY SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING and LIFE!! I ENCOURAGE You to JOIN Me in MOVING “TOWARDS” AND “THROUGH” YOUR NEW DOORS. The Same FREEDOM that I am EXPERIENCING is WAITING FOR YOU TO ARRIVE (smile). Trust and Believe, It Feels So GOOD TO BE FREE!! Come On Now…Let’s Roll. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

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