Happy Thanksgiving – Really?


Marsha Moment Message: YES, REALLY!! (smile). And, the Opportunity I Experienced Today as a Volunteer at the National Action Network’s 2016 FREE Thanksgiving Dinner reinforced something Very SPECIAL for ME. Here goes: In my “humble” opinion SOME folks have forgotten what to be Thankful For. You’ve heard it – I’m Thankful for my car, my house, my job, my new shoes, my new phone (geez). OK, We Get It. You’re Thankful for the “Stuff” You have and I definitely Ain’t Mad at You. I’m Glad I Got Stuff Too; however, THANKS-FOR-GIVING has the potential to mean so much more. Unfortunately, we have been so conditioned to base what we are Thankful For on “STUFF” – SOME of us forget to be Thankful for that One Special Thing That the God You Honor Has BLESSED You With Without Your Permission: THE ABILITY TO LOVE and BE LOVED!! And, This My Friends Is What I Am Most THANKFUL For. We can always Get and Replace “Stuff”; however, There’s Only One YOU and I am so THANKFUL To Have You In My Life to LOVE and HUG (smile). Come On Now…GO AHEAD – ADD LOVE TO YOUR THANKSGIVING LIST. The Feeling — PRICELESS. Oh, and By the way: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love…MarshaHUGS