Happy Father’s Day…

Marsha Moment Message: I want to take this time to Wish ALL My Brothers a Very HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!! May YOU Continue to be a MODEL for your CHILDREN and Guide them with the LOVE and CARE that they need from having a MAN in their Young Lives. PLEASE TEACH OUR CHILDREN TO LOVE THEMSELVES and OTHERS. I strongly believe that the Emotional, Spiritual and Nurturing Attributes that you possess and bring into a Child’s Life as a Father is PRICELESS. I Encourage You to never minimize the Personal Impact that YOU have as a Dad. Your Child/Children Truly Need to HEAR the Message of LOVE from YOU. Come on Now…ENJOY THE BLESSING OF BEING A DAD – HAPPY FATHER’S DAY…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love, today and always. MarshaHUGS